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What will be our “New Normal” Post-Covid?




At some point during the lockdown, between social distancing and avoiding public interactions we have all felt like we’ve had enough. Being deprived of our “normal,” all of us at one point or another have complained and wished things would just go back to the way they were.

I’ve been there too. But all of us were so focused on the negative aspects of our quarantine that we forgot to see some of the positives this time has given us. It is said that every cloud has a silver lining.

Take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath and reflect upon what has happened in the past year. Not just on what went wrong, not on what we couldn’t have or couldn’t experience but also on what we have gained.

What has been your silver lining through this experience?

For some of us, the pandemic has provided an opportunity to develop a new hobby, maybe some of us have built stronger relations with our families, some of us have saved financially by avoiding travel costs.

Every single individual has had a unique experience during the pandemic, and we all have different stories to share. All of us have experienced our fair share of rains, thunders, lightings, and silver linings during this time.

As we pray and prepare for things to return to normal it is important to recognize some things that will be considered the “new normal”.

Advanced technological development

As the pandemic progressed, every service we used adapted to digital platforms. During the pandemic, the tech industry boomed and many companies invested more in technological business development.

Industries across the world adapted to new technologies. Retail stores from groceries to clothes have all adapted to the digital age; offering their goods and services through e-commerce platforms.

Apart from E-commerce businesses, the government and the medical industry have relied heavily on technology to track the spread of COVID and maintain safety among residents.

Following the pandemic businesses will likely continue to rely on technologies to boost sales and as consumers, we will be able to purchase any sorts of products with just the push of a button.

Working remotely will be the norm

Remember those times when asking for a work-from-home made you feel like the odd one out at work. Reflecting back to the times that working from home felt inconvenient due to the lack of support, to now when the concept is a way to stay safe and cut travel times all while increasing productivity.

Now that anyone who is able to work from home is doing so, expect this to be more widely accepted than it was before the pandemic. Even post-pandemic the norm of working from home is likely to last and those of us who can; will be able to work from home at our convenience.

“Remote work will become standard practice, and policies will be in place to ensure people understand what is recommended for that workplace culture,” says Matt Burns, start-up ecosystem lead for, a popular workplace platform.

“Now that people know it can be done, I imagine many will question office space as a place for work, and rather it’ll become a place to celebrate, meet with clients, and gather as a team,” Burns added.

Telehealth services will continue

Teletherapy (therapy consults through phone) and telehealth (routine health consultations through phone) will become more widely accepted and frequently used post-pandemic.

According to a study published in the journal Health Affairs in February 2021, 30.1% of all doctor visits occurred via telehealth since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research indicates that 68% of endocrinologists used some type of telehealth during the pandemic. The same is true for therapists. Surveys noted that 53% of appointments for mental health-related issues were conducted via teletherapy.

In a world where any service you want is available digitally, the medical industry is no exception. Post pandemic we can expect to see medical services grow digitally and evolve to better suit patient convenience.

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