Personal Development

When the going gets tough the tough get going




Have you ever heard this expression? As far back as I can remember I have heard this expression and it wasn’t until my late twenty’s that I really knew what it meant.

Have you ever been striving for something and it was tough? You just wanted to quit and pack it up? I am sure this has happened to all of us and sometimes we do just pack it up and quit. It’s human instinct I think to do this… my article today though is to urge you not to.

I have been through some crazy things in my life, a lot of challenges, a lot of pain and a lot of toughness. Sometimes they were my own doing, sometimes I was caught in situations but most of the time it was my exploring and pushing boundaries that landed me in these situations. Can you relate? Sometimes it was so tough to keep forging through. I did though and I wouldn’t change it for the world because I learned so much about who I am, what I stand for and really and truly what I believe in. So with that being said here are three tips to keep you in the game when things hit the fan.

  1. Remind yourself of the big picture.
    We as humans get lost in the moment sometimes. The emotions rise, we get attached to what is happening now. It’s definitely going to take some practice but when you feel this coming on, it’s time to reframe and remind yourself of what’s important. Knowing why you are doing what you are doing will help you move through the situation and stay on course.
  2. Having visual cues to help you

Having images of what you are creating will help you to achieve and get through the hard times. I have vision boards and huge notes on my walls reminding me of why I am doing what I am doing. When I get into that zone like I am going to pack it in I look up at the wall and I am reminded of why I am pushing through.

  1. Reach out to your support network

Have friends on standby (well not really but sort of ) that know where you are headed and they are there to help support you. They take you off the ledge and remind you of the reasons you are doing this. I have a few key people in my life that I can do this with and they don’t judge me. I can just call and vent to them and they help me get back on track. Sometimes it’s really all that we need to get through.

So whatever it is that you are going through it will really make you stronger. It’s a cliché I know but time over time it’s proven to work for me. I come out of challenges with new armor, a different insight, and more repertoire to help my clients move through. I really believe we experience things so that we can teach from it, so if you see all challenges as a source of learning, it might make them less aggravating? Maybe? Just know you are worth getting to where it is you want to go, so don’t give up on yourself, you are worth every penny.

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