Philosophically Speaking

Who am I? How can I become the person I could be? Part 2




Who am I? How can I become the person I could be? This article is strictly about my attempt to transform myself ―in the hope that others would join me to help change the asymmetric world that I have created. I must renew my trust in the systems of religion, academia, science, and politics that have become a double-edged sword in my growth and development ―great achievements on the one hand, and human failures on the other hand.

After a deliberative search over 2000 years, I have discovered that my capability is not in question. I have achieved greatness in every field of human endeavor ( I stand at the pinnacle of achievements in science and engineering, medicine, politics, sports, and arts and entertainment.

I have introduced the world to “The Human Genome Project” (HGP) ( I can read nature’s complete genetic blueprint for building a human being. “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) is now at my command. I have created super-intelligent machines, though I am ambivalent and fearful about the prospects of losing control of the machines (

Notwithstanding, the transformation that I seek may not lie in the “machines” that are coming. I need a foundational principle upon which to predicate my decision-making in the future. I also need to actualize myself as the most significant creation, and to achieve my highest potential ―to influence ―positively the survival of others and myself. Intuitively, the better world that I desire begins with my intrinsic values rather than my extrinsic needs and wants. Although I have mastered the latter, my transformation lies in mastering the former.

This worldview has enabled me to comprehend the foundation for my transformation that requires only a simple change in my philosophically perspective of life. It lies in the true nature of self-actualization that undergirds my growth and development from five fundamental aspects, such as my (1) spiritual, (2) moral, (3) social, (4) intellectual, and (5) physical development. These are the most compelling philosophical, analytical, and empirical arguments for cultivating a better world.

Hierarchically, each foundation provides me with the most exceptional opportunity to “reverse engineer” some of the decisions and actions that I have taken regarding critical aspects of my survival. Material compulsion satisfies my physical needs ―substantially but temporarily. These five foundations should underpin the broad spectrum of challenges that I face daily, whether the activities are religious, academic, political, scientific, or conceptual.

The choice now lies before you and me to embrace (1) spiritual development as absolute, underpinned by unconditional love for others. It is the highest exception of us because it is intrinsic to our spiritual existence. It will help us to break down barriers of intolerance between others and ourselves ― irrespective of race, religion, colour, culture, or station in life, as we strive to live daily ―a life of impartiality as the highest moral attribute.

To embrace (2) moral development for its indispensable transcendental and transformational attributes. It enables us to understand when political or corporate obligation comes into conflict with the imperatives of moral leadership and moral authority ―undergirded by moral responsibility and moral accountability. It takes great courage to be a “moral leader,” but the enhanced benefits to human social interaction are immeasurable.

To embrace (3) social development to enable us to build strong relationship bonds with those whom we do not have a common bond or heritage. It will help us to heal the broken trust between others and ourselves, and with the diverse international community of peoples and nations. More importantly, to empathize with and contribute to a better understanding of the needs of fellow beings ―irrespective of differences in social, economic, and intellectual status.

To embrace (4) intellectual development to help us to achieve great heights beyond rational reasoning, and to develop the “intelligence capacity” to make critical life-saving and life-enhancing decisions. To understand better, the trichotomy among “Spiritual Intelligence” (SQ), “Human Intelligence” (IQ), and “Artificial Intelligence” (AI). Likewise, to apply all three bits of intelligence to ensure our survival as a viable species in our complex world ―underpinned by SQ, IQ, and AI.

To embrace (5) physical development because it helps us to better understand the complex dual nature of our physical well-being and a healthy environment. Humans are an integral biological component of the living and breathing universe. Our health depends upon the living trees to cleanse the atmosphere of toxins as nature’s prescription for the biosphere and human civilization to coexist ―healthily.

You and I have the genius capacity to explore further the five foundational perspectives that I have discovered to chart the journey forward. They are neither explicitly religious, academic, scientific, nor political, but simple to comprehend and potent in the application and measurable outcomes. They do not demand the creation of new infrastructure or vast sums of money, but merely a different approach to the assessment of our fundamental needs that transcend the material. I can become the person that I could be when I awake to the understanding of the inclusivity of all humanity.

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