Your Health

World spine day and back pain epidemic




Each year on October 16th, people celebrate World Spine Day in countries around the world. It is essential that we recognize this epidemic, the leading cause of disability worldwide. The Global Burden of Disease Study, published in “The Lancet” medical journal, states that over 630 million people worldwide suffer from back pain. With the amount of effective preventative interventions and treatments available, this number should be much lower. World Spine Day aims to promote these figures to show governments around the world that back pain can be controlled if resources are given to ensure access to the different interventions available.

Conservative methods for preventing back pain can be very effective. Spine surgeons always recommend that their patients attempt all forms of conservative care before resorting to surgery. It is important to understand the non-invasive, non-medical changes that you can make to your daily activities that can prevent future pain.  With improper movement and posture leading to the development of many spinal disorders, the event raises awareness about the easy ways of changing your posture or performing safe movements.

Some of the options that you should consider if you are experiencing back pain to improve your symptoms include:

Exercising: Getting more active increases the blood flow to the area of your back that is experiencing pain. Though exercise might be difficult if the pain is debilitating, it can often improve symptoms by promoting healing in the damaged area. Strengthening the muscles in your back also stabilizes the damaged areas, making them less likely to move around.

Lifting properly: Though strictly a preventative measure, it is vitally important for patients, especially those involved in jobs that require lifting frequently. When lifting, keep your feet shoulder width apart, and bend with the knees and hips only.

Vast numbers of people with lower back pain across the world are being harmed, not helped, by surgery, injections and dangerous opioid drugs they are given. This has led the American College of Physicians to state clearly that medical doctors should refer their patients to doctors of chiropractic before prescribing medicine or recommending invasive measures.

Chiropractors are specially trained in treating the spine. As primary care providers, they can diagnose, recommend and provide effective treatment for any disorders arising from the spine, especially those leading to back pain. They do this naturally, without medication, by providing chiropractic adjustments (treatments) to the spine that restore normal biomechanical joint movement, improve neurological function and decrease inflammation and pain.

In some countries, treating unexplained back pain is a lucrative business for doctors and hospitals. It is important to call on governments and health leaders to act together to tackle vested interests that maintain the status quo.

Back pain is a huge burden on individuals, health services and economies. Every year, a total of 1 million years of productive life are lost in the UK because of disability from low back pain, 3 million in the USA and 300,000 in Australia, according to recent research papers.

80 to 90% of people suffer an episode of low back pain at some point in their life.  Only 1% is linked to serious disease such as an infection or cancer. The exact cause is hard to trace at times. It can result from any and all physical, chemical, and emotional stresses. Psychological, social and economic factors can all play a part. Many people have other pain as well and there are lifestyle links, such as obesity, smoking and lack of activity. Most episodes don’t last long, but one in three people will have a recurrence within a year.

This World Spine Day, empower yourself with knowledge and understanding of back pain and preventative spine care by your local chiropractor.

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