
You have the power to change your life, it’s in your mind



Photo Credit: Conscious Design


Sun salutations star family!  I pray this cosmic update finds you well.  We are closing out Gemini season as we prepare for the summer solstice. The solstice marks a switch in seasons but also a shift in our energy. The summer solstice marks the longest day of the year as we discussed in the last article. It is a reminder to us to let more light into our lives.

Life can be heavy at times. The rising costs of living, the increase in mental health crises, rumors of wars, climate change, blah, blah, blah can most definitely darken our day. It can be easy to fall prey to all the negativity in the world today. However, we always have the power to change our reality, the key is our mind and emotions.

Gemini is the sign of communication, community and travel. Our thoughts travel to our words and create action. How and where we use these actions impacts our role in the communities that we are a part of. It all starts in our mind. Our thoughts will direct our words and actions, hence determining how and where we show up. The solstice falls right in between Gemini and Cancer season. Cancer is the sign of our emotional safety, security and how we get our emotional needs met. Cancer also represents the home and our sense of belonging; it is also one of the homes of our intuition. This highlights to us that our emotions and intuition are key to our sense of belonging.  The balance of our mental and emotional sovereignty helps us bring the light in.

When we align our thoughts with an emotional charge, that’s how manifestation happens, it’s not hocus pocus, it is the power of our mind. Studies suggest the human mind processes anywhere from 6,000 to 90,000 thoughts per day. Just one day! So, if you have a thought, you are having a bad day, then place the emotional charge of frustration behind it, guess what’s most likely going to happen? You are going to have a bad day. However, you have a minimum of 5,999 thoughts that you can access and choose to put a new emotion behind it. I know this is easier said than done. We have been conditioned to be stressed out and overwhelmed. We have been conditioned that most of what we need is outside of us, thus this simple formula for re-training our mind, hence changing our day sounds far-fetched.

The fact remains that every single thing we see in our world is a result of a thought.  Thoughts create. We can create a life of light even in the darkness. Our mind is never outside of us. We have access to our thoughts at any time, the choice is ours as to what thought we are going to life to by way of our emotions.

On June 18th, 2023, we have our new moon in Gemini. This is an opportunity for us to recommit to a new mindset. If we don’t like the reality we see before us, take a look at your current mindset. How do you feel each day? What emotion are you placing behind your daily thoughts?  Think about what you would like to see in your life. Write out an affirmation that you will commit to daily to help realign your thoughts to the life you want to live. Practice this for the first 21 days of spring. At the end of the 21 days, assess how you feel. Do you see more alignment in your thoughts and actions?  Do you feel more light coming into your day?  Do you feel a sense of belonging inside?  Has the way your needs are met shifted? Use the rest of this Gemini season to clear your mind so when Cancer season starts, we can apply the aligned emotion. You have the power to change your life, it’s in your mind. You have the power to let the sunshine in, it’s your time to shine!

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