
Best vegan restaurants to try in Toronto for spring and summer 2023




Some of us know that life is short. But what is life without time-to-time enjoyment. Before you know we arrive at spring and summer. You shouldn’t even wait until spring and summer to grab a special meal as a treat, especially if you are on the way to losing weight and maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

There are a few major restaurants that have caught my interest during the years of my fitness journey. Which I know would be a benefit for you.

Kupert and Kim:

Kupert and Kim is a is a plant-based, quick-service restaurant. They make delicious, minimally processed food that is awesome for humans, animals and our planet (Kupfert & Kim, n.d.).

Fresh & Whole

Fresh produce arrives every morning in its whole form and is prepped in each of our locations. We make almost everything in-house from scratch, including our sauces, pickles, curries and patties. Any item not made in-house comes from suppliers we have thoroughly vetted and trust (Kupfert & Kim, n.d.).

Health & Organic

We care tremendously about the food we serve and that enters our bodies.

Eating plenty of whole plant-based food contributes to good health. All our meals are designed to provide a balance of protein, carbs and fat, and a full array of vitamins and minerals. The proteins are complete, the carbs are complex, and the fats are “good” because they come from plants! And since fiber is only found in plant-based food, we can assure you that you are getting a proper dose of that too.

We aim to select organic for produce that is otherwise known to have a significant negative environmental impact or lots of pesticide residue, such as greens, berries and soy products. We use the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen list as our guide for organics (Kupfert & Kim, n.d.).


At PLANTA, we see plants differently.

Led by Founder and CEO Steven Salm and Co-founder and Executive Chef David Lee, PLANTA was born in 2016 to expand the accessibility and acceptability of plant-based dining; dining as it should be — an unguilty pleasure. Creating a premier hospitality collective of 100% plant-based restaurants, PLANTA reimagines, reinvents, and revitalizes, providing flavorful proof that the power of plants can change the world (Planta, n.d.).Veggie D’Light

Veggie D’Light is a Vegan Caribbean take-out & catering in the heart of Kensington Market, Toronto. Veggie D’Light was founded with a vision of a healthy, sustainable lifestyle for the masses. Caribbean flavor and nourishment for the body… just the right balance catering to a healthier you. (Veggie D’Light, 2021).

Our Mission

A healthy, sustainable lifestyle for the masses. Chef Peter’s vegan menu embraces authentic Caribbean flavor and nutritional fortification for the body… keeping each dish fun, exciting and delicious for all palettes (Veggie D’Light, 2021).

Our Story: Chef Peter

Ten years ago, I noticed there was a void in the flavor market of the vegan lifestyle. Inspiration led me to start creating plant-based recipes with authentic Caribbean flavor.

With my children as my first critics, I realized I had something going on because anything that kids like…. adults will follow.

I first began my culinary journey studying at a vegetarian college in Mandeville, Jamaica. There I observed an abundance of vegetarian dishes that did not include the full spectrum of nutrition, especially for someone plant-based like myself (Veggie D’Light, 2021).

Overall, these vegan restaurants are the top best within Toronto especially if you are trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle.


Kupfert & Kim. (n.d.). Kupfert & Kim.

Planta. (n.d.). Planta Restaurants.

Veggie D’Light. (2021). Veggie D’Light.

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