BY MICHELLE SMITH As your Health Care Advocate and as a health care professional with over ten years’ experience in our health care system, I know...
BY SIMONE SMITH Stress has always been something that many can relate to because we all feel it; unfortunately, many of us are unable to deal...
BY DR LYDIA THURTON You are stuck in traffic, slightly annoyed that you are bumper to bumper and then your song comes on. Instantly, break light...
BY MELISSA GOODMAN Yoga challenges have become very popular over the past few years and they continue to grow through the use of multimedia. Two of...
BY MONIQUE BARTLETT Looking for motivation to workout can be problematic. It’s not until there is something you’re not happy with about yourself before you decide...
BY DR LYDIA THURTON The thought of losing one’s mind is incredibly frightening. For many of us, our identity is in our thoughts. We know ourselves...
BY MELISSA GOODMAN It’s not uncommon to see the reception area of yoga studios filled with different assortments, colors, sizes and lengths of malas. They are...
BY MONIQUE BARTLETT The New Year is here and you have had your fill of cookies, candies, cakes and turkey. Now it’s time to get back...
BY MICHELLE SMITH In recent weeks medical Marijuana has been trending as a big discussion, especially with most recent talks by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne saying it...
BY SIMONE SMITH Happy Holidays Toronto Caribbean Family! I hope that the season is not driving you crazy. I am reflective during this time because for...