BY: KEZIA ROYER-BURKETT I’m a part of a fascinating WhatsApp group chat with many very interesting, entertaining and at times intriguing characters, and personalities, with various...
BY: DT THE ARTIST A3C (All 3 Coasts) is a hip-hop music festival that happens in Atlanta, Georgia every year, usually on or around the first...
BY: DT THE ARTIST The City of Toronto is a fashion trendsetter for upcoming clothing brands. I had the opportunity to interview Brent “CJ” Hackett, founder...
BY: DT THE ARTIST If you are living in Toronto and follow Hip Hop, then in some way, shape or form, you have started to hear...
BY DT THE ARTIST Now in its 7th year, Carifestival was held at the Woodbridge Fairgrounds on August 26th and 27th. The Carivaughan Festival, birthed from...
BY: DT THE ARTIST On August 2nd, 2017 the world of music lost a legend in the passing of Iauwata Amha Selassie MD. Born in Guyana...
BY: DT THE ARTIST Mentorship is an important aspect for success and building one’s team. Be it in music, entertainment, business, and personal goals. I would...
BY: DT THE ARTIST As an artist, we put a lot of time and hard work into writing songs and recording. Many times though the fruits...
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