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Toronto Black Singles United




As Valentine’s Day approaches I begin this week’s column with an e-mail from a reader.

Hello Kezia,

I found your e-mail online as I was searching for events or meetups for West Indian and Caribbean people in Toronto. I came across Toronto Caribbean, and I read all the articles in your section. I can see you are enlightened when it comes to women and love. For the longest, while I was open to meeting and dating anyone from any ethnicity. I was once looking for love. I have since stopped looking, but seeing that times are changing for women and Black people (see media’s current events), I’ve consciously decided that culture matters. Our history matters. I want to meet someone from South America or the Caribbean like myself. The only problem is, I’m more Canadian than Guyanese. I only ever use my accent when I’m talking to another Guyanese female and just if we are close. I also never go out to events that aren’t Canadian or children related as I am a single parent most of the time. Another reason is that my son never sees anything from his father’s culture. We pretty much just have Guyanese food & home decor. I rarely even listen to our music. If I could explain how & why this occurred, it would take several e-mails. Where can I see or find events for people from our warm countries? Help, please!!!

From: Return to Roots

Dear Return to Roots,

Your e-mail is very timely as I have recently connected with a dating page called Toronto Black Singles United. The founder of the Facebook page Shana is a single mom like myself and you and created this platform to help single people connect.  Like you I am a single mom of a son who values my roots and culture and would like to raise him with a male presence that’s on the same way length as me.  As I get older, I have found dating is a lot harder and adding children to the mix can complicate any situation. I proclaimed on Alyssa’s show The Real Talk that in 2018 I would find a significant other and no longer be single, but I wasn’t doing anything different to ensure my proclamation came to fruition. So, I put myself out there and decided to connect with single dating networks. Filling the void that mainstream dating corporations in Canada have created Shana saw the need to focus on creating a space for Black singles to connect in the greater Toronto area. Shana and her team have created a platform for open discussion about dating and relationships to break down misconceptions, and everyday struggles our community is explicitly faced with. Shana plans singles events as well as spontaneous meetups for the group, which allows group members to meet, mingle and hopefully establish meaningful connections. With the new fad of online dating and apps like Tinder accumulating over 50 million downloads it is apparent dating has changed significantly, and if you don’t catch up, you may miss your opportunity at a loving relationship. Even though Toronto Black Singles United is a relatively new movement as it was founded in June of 2017, it has gained over a thousand members to its page.  Shana helps dispel the weariness and suspicious assumptions that come with online dating by ensuring all members are screened to ensure that they are in fact single and live in Canada. Because unfortunately to the married men Toronto Black Singles United is NOT another form of Ashley Madison. TBSU is intended for mature singles, and it’s members range in age from 27-60 years old.  Shana, the founder of the group, says “I feel this group has made a huge impact in our community because members constantly say there is nothing like this for Black singles. Where various age groups can meet and discuss the struggles of dating in this era of technology where online dating is the new and popular method of dating.” Shana has planned a singles Valentine’s event on Saturday, February 10th, 2018. Doors open at 9 pm at Wallace Gastropub located at 1954 Yonge Street (a block from Davisville Subway). $20 entry fee with $5.00 off if you bring in this column.

Check out their website at

In the upcoming column Shana founder of Toronto Black Singles United shares some tips to assist singles in navigating the online world of dating.  As Always Love and Light.

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  1. Elmine

    October 28, 2020 at 1:52 am

    Hello, how good is this site please

    • Elmine

      October 28, 2020 at 1:53 am

      Hello, how good is this site please

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How to implement the practice of vulnerable communication




What is vulnerable communication? The word vulnerable means a person that is in a position of being susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm. The word communication means the imparting or exchange of information or news. If I sum up a meaning based on these definitions, vulnerable communications are the sharing of information (feelings, thoughts, etc.) while you are in a position where your feelings could be hurt, your thoughts could be judged, and you can be left feeling less than. For many people, including me, vulnerable communication sounds insanely scary and way out of my controlling comfort zone, but what is life without balance?  I don’t think I was ever taught to be vulnerable; my dad always taught me never to show weakness, never cry in front of people and to always rely on myself and my abilities. But in a relationship, lack of vulnerability can be detrimental and as well as lack of communication. All healthy, loving relationships need good communication practices included into the foundation but communicating sometimes is the least of our worries. We know how to communicate, but do we know how to communicate with love and understanding? I think vulnerable communication is valuable in every relationship because it allows two individuals to connect to each other and love each other and display love in a healthy balanced manner.

I once read a funny meme that said that we spend the first two years of children’s lives teaching them to walk and talk then we spend the following twelve years telling them to sit down and stop talking – LOL. Society teaches us to be quiet, not to be attention seeking or free thinking, we are expected to act like everyone else and be “good” people. The innate instinct to protect oneself from harm can sometimes take over areas of our lives where defense mechanisms are not needed, and relationships are one of them. The norm is not to freely express emotions and to push uncomfortable topics under the rug.

To me, vulnerable communication is like going on a journey to understanding town and empathy city, where there is no judgment, but there are love and trust. When in a disagreement with a loved one and emotions intensify, most times logic begins to decrease drastically. Here are some points on how you can practice vulnerable communication;

  • When communicating with a loved one about how you feel use verbs during your moments of vulnerable communication. Like I need, want, desire, hope for, etc. so that you are focusing on your needs while expressing your thoughts and feelings and not concentrate on your partner’s shortcoming or issues you may have with them at the time.
  • Be detailed and speak specifically. If you can’t remember all of the details, then it’s probably not essential and cannot help. Truthfully communicate your thoughts and feelings.
  • Get out of your head, being vulnerable means that you are sharing all of yourself without hiding behind the defense walls we put up so people can perceive us in a certain light. Ideal vulnerable communication allows no room for judgment by self or others.

Being vulnerable doesn’t always feel good, actually, it has never felt good to me.  But it is the best way to communicate clearly, humbly and intentionally on difficult subjects and to be a genuine person. Vulnerable communication can only have successful results in a secure, loving, healthy, balanced committed relationship. It doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship, but the people involved have to love each other, differences and all. Vulnerable communication isn’t the and all be all, answer to relationship issues, but it is a great tool that disrupts the idea of judgment and regret. Hard to be regretful when you sincerely and lovingly share your thoughts and feelings with a loved one, with only the hope of being understood and heard. If you are in a healthy, loving relationship, you should be able to fearlessly be yourself and share your thoughts, opinions, and feelings with your loved one.

Are you dating or in a relationship? How do you communicate with your partner in difficult situations? Email me at with all of your love and relationship stories and if you have any questions or need some advice about dating and relationships. I love reading your stories and kind words of support. Love and Light.

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How men subconsciously lower women’s expectations




The internet and social media have opened doors that can never be closed and made the world into a global community.  From a smartphone, I can watch a man in Ghana, the UK, Chicago, Los Angeles or my own city Toronto surprise, propose and marry his girlfriend in a fifty-eight-second video.  I can watch the groom, and the groomsmen do a remarkable dance tribute to the bride, watch a wife surprise her husband with her pregnancy and watch the cutest couple gender reveal. I can do all of this while I sit in the comfort of my living room on my couch, daydreaming of all the special romantic moments I want to have one day. I have dated (gone on dates with, spent time with) some men, and I have noticed a similar pattern in the way men handle romance. I have noticed that some men are not that keen on our new global community and feel romantic Instagram videos are a misrepresentation of real life and set women up to have unrealistic expectations. I have heard plenty of men say that women believe that what they see on tv or social media is real and have unrealistic fantasy expectations for men. I would like to challenge this logic as it is a mindset that I feel breaths misogyny.

I dated this guy, and one day as we drove we were listening to some lover’s rock reggae, and I said that I always wanted a love like how it’s described in reggae songs. Or I wanted to marry a reggae artist and have him write, sing and perform beautiful reggae love songs that “I” inspired all over the world. It was my fantasy, I knew the likelihood of me marrying a reggae artist who would write love songs inspired by me was a reach, but so are some of the ladies bodies in men magazines, because that is how fantasies work. But the guy decided to tell me that I should never want to marry a reggae artist because they go on tour and cheat on their wives, instantly crushing my fantasy and annoying me slightly. I felt annoyed because the guy couldn’t fathom the idea of being so in love that it inspires a work of art, he just wanted me to be happy with the lack of romance he was offering me and subconsciously lowering my expectations.

Fast forward to last week, I’m out to lunch with a guy friend, and I’m on Instagram, and a video of a gender reveal proposal popped up on my timeline. I reveled in the romance of the video and showed it to my friend and shared how cute I thought it was, and there came the natural disdain I saw from other men. He went on to say; women specifically cannot differentiate that this moment posted on Instagram isn’t everyday life and I was astounded by the sexist comments that were coming out of my friend’s mouth. He said that women see these videos and expect a variation of this every day and that is unattainable and unrealistic. I asked him which women really thought that? I defended us women and told him that social media could be compared to anything in mainstream media.

I believe that the average human being has the understanding that life is not one dimensional but is multi-faceted. We understand what our individual everyday life looks like, but we women also have the expanded mental capacity to desire special moments among the mundane daily life. Many past boyfriends have told me that I want a tv, fantasy relationship and that my expectations are unrealistic. But the fact remains that real men are being romantic to their women and posting it for the world to see. I think men lower women’s expectations subconsciously by telling them that their wants are unrealistic. I think it’s silly for a man to think any women could work a full-time job, be a mom, and look like Kim Kardashian without a nanny, chef, or assistant. 

In my opinion, I think the issue is less with social media, the internet, our growing global community or unrealistic expectations. The real problems stem from lack of vulnerable communication. Next week’s article will be about Vulnerable Communication.  Has a partner ever lowered your expectations? Share your stories and questions about love and relationships to

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Response to: Dating in the church gone wrong




Last week’s “Dating in the church gone wrong” was the most popular article I have written to date. Thank you so much to all the readers that took their time to read and send in their stories, opinions, and comments. It sparked a discussion surrounding what appears to be a controversial topic, dating in church. Many readers had questions about what exactly I meant by using the term “dating”. According to Wikipedia “dating” is a stage of a romantic relationship whereby two people meet socially with the aim of deciding whether they are a match for marriage, and that definition is the one I intended when I referred to “dating” in my last article.

A sad reminder that was apparent from my previous article is that many people are faced with the reality of influential people sharing their strong, overbearing opinions and dictating how other individuals should live their lives. Strong views, at times, can indeed override one’s thoughts and feelings and put you in a position where your thoughts and feelings are submissive to the influencers.  I received many comments from readers telling me where the gentleman in the story went wrong, and how it wasn’t the church’s fault, and how I should go about finding a husband. In a day and age where there are dating apps, dating advice professionals, matchmaker consultants, pastors and family members telling individuals how to date, when do the people who are single have the opportunity to self-check what they want and desire in a life partner?

Where are the people and services teaching people how to be self-aware about who they are and the qualities they desire in a partner? Is there a formula for a successful relationship that will lead to a long happy marriage?  Some cultures believe that arranged marriages are best and the parents should choose a life partner for their child. Various religions and cultures have practices that are intended to join two individuals in a successful, happy, holy, long, prosperous relationship. But the truth of the matter is, all of the qualities that make up a good connection are dependent upon the individuals and less on the actual practices themselves.

I have had many heartbreaks, breakups and sad, vulnerable moments with men and so have billions of other people in this world from different races, cultures, and religions. As humans we are all subject to pain and hard times, it’s the nature of life, also known as yin and yang. It doesn’t matter how hard we try to avoid heartache, and pain, it is inevitable. I believe that open, honest, dialogue can dispel the majority of difficulties that are associated with romantic relationships and also knowing when to check other’s opinions at the door respectfully.

Advice from family, friends and community leaders can be great, but connecting with yourself and determining what is best for you is always the best scenario. Outside advice can help you see another perspective but it should never overshadow your gut feeling and your ability to make decisions for yourself. The church is not the only place dating and relationships have ended in mishap; Where there are humans there are errors. The good thing about this thing we call life is that every day we are alive and well, we have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes, make wiser decisions and evolve into better people. In the Bible in the Book of Proverbs, chapter 22 verse 6 it says: “Train your child up in the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn away from it.” I think this is a great verse to remind “elder meddlers” that if they did their job correctly with the children, there is no need to interfere with adult’s decision making unless help is requested and even then suggestions and guidance should be given not directives and ultimatums.

If you are looking for a resource to help improve your communication skills in any relationship check out the Love Languages test at The Love Languages test is a good free resource I have used myself. The test is intended to help couples learn and gain understanding about the various ways in which people can show love and receive love. It helps disrupt the mindset that there is only one way to go about a relationship and it highlights the individuality and uniqueness of every relationship.  As Always Love and Light!

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